Remedies to the Rescue! A Personal Story.

Homeopathy is a powerful yet gentle form of medicine. I have many personal stories to relate about my experiences and my clients’ experiences using Homeopathy. This is a very personal and emotional story for me (ignatia to the rescue!) but I feel the impact of my experience using Homeopathy in this life-threatening situation is profound.

On May 28, 2019 I was driving in downtown Fort Worth when a young woman in a Tahoe ran a red light and flipped my car. My mind was slowly processing what was happening as I was hit, turning over and spinning once the roof hit the pavement. Thankfully, I never lost consciousness. My right leg was trapped behind my back as I dangled upside down. I had to let myself out of my seatbelt, dropped to the roof and tried to get my leg free. A wonderful man broke through my window and pulled me out. Nothing was broken!!!

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The man's wife found my phone so she could make calls for me. I was in shock, but muscle memory made me ask for my remedies in my purse. They found my purse, but my remedies were nowhere to be found — they had been tossed all over my car. When they called my husband, I told him to go home first and get my kit!!!!! Everyone thought I was really out of it then! I didn't know what kind of shape I was in at the time, so I called a dear friend of mine who practices homeopathy, and had her text my husband what to do until further assessment could happen.

The immediate recommendation at the ER was morphine and a tetanus shot. I was aware enough to decline, as I was not in excruciating pain, nor did I have any severe cuts. They were stunned. I did sustain a concussion, whiplash and back pain, but thankfully there was no internal bleeding or visible injuries. When my husband arrived, we weren't allowed to treat homeopathically...until they shut the door! The doctor prescribed a pain killer, muscle relaxer and another drug to offset the side effects of the first two meds! They were never filled. I went home 2 hours later, and my husband kept up with the dosing of the remedies, so I could rest and not have to think about it. My "injuries" are healing with the help of my village, homeopathy, and a lot of prayer. I feel more than blessed that my story didn't end tragically different.

I apologize for the long post, but I felt it had to be written to explain to you how wonderful Homeopathy is.
